September 21, 2011


Happy Wednesday! Let's dive right in ...

Don't like the actual sweet, but I think these candy corn dresses are the sweetest! They'd look adorable on my nieces.

I'm loving this variation on the classic! Long live Alpha Phi!

I'm loving these pretty stamped cookies.

I'm loving that tonight is the season premier of Modern Family! Funniest show on TV!

Finally, I'm loving that my beautiful mom is coming for a visit today - and bringing lunch!

Thanks for playing along, hope your day is filled with things and people you love.

1 comment:

NANA said...

I am loving that I got to spend the day with Jodi and my adorable grandson, Owen. I'm loving it that our co-op farmer has resumed delivering fresh veggies to the shareholders at the Preserves. I am also loving it that the rains held off, Don got his golf in and Jodi, O and I were dry when we went out shopping this afternoon. It is raining now and I have driven home safely. Hope your day was as good as mine. Love, MOM