March 16, 2011

A Flower for Japan

Yesterday was one of those days and my mood was reflecting it ...

Everything I picked up, I dropped. I put things down and then couldn't remember where I had left them. I tripped over my own feet - several times. The laundry literally whacked me in the head (truly, but please don't ask how). Bob called and said he had to leave in a few hours for DC Cook to do some testing for them (yes, that's a nuclear plant and no, I wasn't at all worried about his safety).

To sum up, I was being a crank. A grumbler. A whiner.

And then I thought of the people of Japan, and I straightened up. Lord, forgive me for being ungrateful.

I guess we all do that though. Have days where we momentarily forget our blessings in the face of frustration. It's sad that other's pain is sometimes what it takes to make us remember how lucky we are, but perhaps that's why bad things happen ... so that we don't overlook the good.

I'm certain that like me, the Japanese people have been on your mind and in your hearts constantly since last Friday. You may be wondering how to help, or perhaps you have already made a donation to rescue efforts.

I've always noted that when disaster first strikes, people are incredibly generous with their efforts and contributions. As time passes, other events necessarily take over the news, but the clean-up and aid efforts in areas affected (think New Orleans, Haiti, etc.) continues, as does the need for financial support.

So I had an idea. I created the felt pin pictured below, and I'm going to "sell" them for $10 each. At the end of June, I will donate all proceeds raised - and personally match the total (up to $200) - to an organization that is still working in Japan at that time, most likely one like Save the Children.

About the pin: Hand-crafted from felt (so each one will be slightly different), about 2.5 inches in diameter. Each layer is cut then sewn in place. I chose white and red to represent the Japanese flag as well as the courage of the Japanese people. The green leaf represents regrowth and hope. A black rhinestone centers the flower (if you would prefer a white rhinestone please specify when ordering).

By purchasing and wearing a pin, you will be reminding yourself and others of the ongoing need to help a devastated country. I plan to pin my to a ribbon and tie it around my purse handle; I think it would also look fantastic on a spring jacket.

Leave me a comment or email me at to order a pin. Please feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested ... I hope to have sore fingers from cutting and sewing!

1 comment:

Susan C. said...

I'm sorry I've never gottne around to thanking you for my pin. I got it and love it. These last couple weeks have been crazy - as will this coming up week. I've been meaning to call and talk to you to thank you but clearly that has gotten away from me so I'm afraid you'll have to settle on a totally non-personal thank you on your blog. I love this idea and you are amazing for doing this.