March 2, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

First, today and everyday I'm loving being a mom! I'm loving too that last week my mom and my mother-in-law played along! I'm really enjoying giving thought to the little (and big) things that make my world a happier place, and I think it's a good exercise in graditude. So here we go ...

I'm loving that after 8 years we are finally getting the basement cleared out and cleaned up (complete with work-out area). Hooray for the trifecta of old "treasures" - Goodwill, consignment, and bulk trash pick-up.

I have a love/hate realtionship with foundation (love because I have horrible skin so I won't leave home without it; hate any heavy, cakey feeling), which is why I'm loving L'Oreal's new foundation. It's soft and light and goes on like silk, but still does a decent job covering up what you don't want the world to see.

I'm loving the adorable, preppy Polo shirt I got for Riley; and the so cute Crew Cuts (J.Crew) cardigan I chose for Kenzie; and the colorful, stylish Children's Place skirt I picked for Samantha. And I'm loving that I got all three for $2.52!

I'm loving that I just earned another free Snapfish photo book by collecting Coke points. My diet coke habit does has its benefits!

I'm loving that I have a family so ready and willing to support important causes with their time, efforts and donations. If Autisum research touches your heart as it does ours, please consider making a contribution to my sister-in-law here.


NANA said...

WELL, let's see. It hasn't been a spectacular day here. Sugar is ill and at the vet's right now. However, let's look on the bright side.

I'm loving the beautiful Spring-like day that we had.
I'm loving that Don just called and Sugar is well enough to come home.
I'm loving that Samantha had a great day at school as the "star" child (she got to take her Care Bear to show her classmates} and was able to dress like "Cat in the Hat" in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday.
And, I'm loving that I live in the Preserves community now and have met a lot of really nice people.

Love ya, MOM

Nanny said...

I am loving March...
I am loving that I planted lots of seeds, and with some sunshine, water and a little 'green thumb' they will grow into tomatoes, hollyhocks, Chinese Lanterns and Columbine.
I am loving that I can be a part of Hannah's school's effort to raise money for Autism. Getting donations and making a 'Tea Gift Basket'...
I love this Jodi, stopping and taking time to review my day and actually 'seeing all the blessings' I may perhaps miss. Love, Nanny